My Sock

I started this sock in August. It's sad that it has taken me this long to finish ONE sock. Maybe it's not too long, but it seems like forever. I haven't had time to sit and knit. So tonight, being sick and watching the Yankee game I was able to finish one sock. I love the colors of this yarn.

Tomorrow on the train I may start the second sock. I'm going to the the city to see "A Chorus Line". I can't wait!


Cactusneedles said...
September 22, 2007 at 9:06 AM

Great sock! Congrats on finishing a sock! Is there a pair? Have a great day:)

teabird said...
September 22, 2007 at 12:01 PM

The sock looks wonderful. (I'm also a slow sock-knitter. VERY slow. But it's the process, yes?)

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