Catching up

This has been a hard week to knit. I had my last week of summer camp. On Wednesday I was at a rehearsal for my friend's wedding. Thursday was the wedding day. We had an awesome time. The best wedding I've ever been to. The band (Pete Moss and the Fertilizers) rocked. We got to go to lunch the next day with the bride and groom and the bride's family. We were so tired when we got home, we both crashed.

Saturday we were out on a boat with some of my parents friends. We had a beautiful day. Today we went to see the place where my parents are moving and got to walk around the different models. It was very nice and very exciting for my parents.

Tomorrow I'm heading into my library to begin to set up for the school year. It's my first time setting up and I'm a little nervous, but definitely looking forward to it.


Anonymous said...
August 19, 2007 at 10:44 PM

I can help you when I get home if you want. :) xoxo

Cactusneedles said...
August 21, 2007 at 1:06 PM

Hope you have a great bunch of kids at your school visiting your library! :)

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