
Why is it that when you knit in public everyone has a comment? Not that all the comments are negative...I've a had few people tell me about projects they have made or how they knit (European vs. American?), but there are a few comments that come out that I don't appreciate.

The first comment I received was a few weeks after I got married, someone said to me, "Oh, you are like an old married woman already." Implying that only older women knit. I hate that stereotype. I knit before I got married. I know that there are many young knitters and not all are woman, so why is it that this stereotype persists?!

The second comment that really got to me was today, someone made a comment that because I was knitting I must be an expecting mother because that is what knitting means. Whatever...I don't have to be pregnant to be knitting.

These are only two comments that I received, I'm sure many people that knit have received similar comments and probably many more. I just wish that people didn't stereotype knitters. It's the same with librarians. They are thought of as old women with their hair in buns, making sure everyone is quiet. Again another stereotype that is not true!!!!


Anonymous said...
April 9, 2007 at 10:58 AM

I know what you mean! Isn't it annoying?

Jenn said...
April 12, 2007 at 11:12 AM

A few years ago when I was auditing the US Department of the Treasury, I wore suits to work every day. I had this grey Jones New York suit with a double breasted jacket that I loved. I was buying V8 at the shop in the building when the clerk asked, "Are you pregnant?" I was all of 20 years old and unmarried and definitely NOT pregnant. I was also horrified and staring at the clerk with huge eyes. She said, "It just seems like only pregnant people every buy V8 - you don't LOOK pregnant." I still never wore the suit again.

I don't know where people come up with the crazy stereotypes.

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